A man says to other - start digging, you will like it. Just try it! The other even reluctant starts digging on the spot. Sometime later he asks himself, what I'm I digging here!? The first man says keep digging till you find sometimes of value. The second man keeps digging out. After a long while (lets say some years) he calls the second man and says to him - I kept digging and I found many things, but I couldn't find what I was looking for! Second man - You mean yet! Keep digging. And he keeps on digging for some more time (lets say another couple of years). He keeps finding things, interesting things like some bits of rock, sometimes a rare species of fossil, he even found a little diamante, and he starts liking what he's doing. After so much digging he starts feeling it is a reason for him. And finding it so he keeps doing it for the rest of his life.
Meanwhile this man had a son, and after the man left this earth, his son seeing what this man was doing so intently, gets curious. He starts exploring this hole on the ground, trying to figure out what to do with it. The first man had long gone himself. But the son seeing the tools of his father try them, out of curiosity and after a while he sees he can dig. So he does it, and does it again and again everyday. The story is quite similar to his father, the difference is mainly in what he finds out while he's digging out.
To make a long story short lets say that some hundred, two hundred, three hundred (who knows!) years after the last descendant of a traditional long family of diggers is born. Guess what will do!? You're right! He goes digging that dam hole on the ground. He digs and digs and digs, he just want to see what he will find. And what he finds is a light, a very tiny light at first that grows bigger the more he digs out the dirt. Finally the light is so big that he feels he can reach it, and he does. He passes through this light and he is on another side, another world. Or is it the same world but upside down!? If you want to know for yourselves, dig!
Hope you found it amusing. Anyway what I wanted to say is that when someone says you to dig but don't tell you where or how, you can end anyway, even in the other side of the world. But seeing it on the other side (of the question not the world) maybe it is all about that, you dig because you like doing it and if you find something of value, so much the better. Keep on digging my friends, let's see what we will find!